Buzhong Yiqi Keli

Buzhong Yiqi Keli

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【Medicine name】Buzhong Yiqi Keli
【Ingredients】Aetragall Radix Praeparata Cum Melle、Codonopsis Radix、Glycyrrhizae Radix Et Rhizoma Praeparata Cum Melle、Angelicae Sinensis Radix、Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma(stir-baked)、Cimicifugae Rhizoma、Bupleuri Radix、Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium、Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens、Jujubae Fructus.
【Properties】Brown granules; The taste is sweet, slightly bitter and spicy.
【Major function】Tonic qi Yang lift depression. Used for diarrhea, prolapse of anus, prolapse of uterus caused by weakness of spleen and stomach and depression of middle qi.
【Specification】Each containing 3 g.
【Usage & Dosage】Oral. One 3g, 2~3 times a day.
【Side effects】None
【Storage】Seal and store in a cool, dry place.
【Validity period】 24 months.

Guidelines and Consensus


Q1. What are the indications (major functions) of Gilingshen?

There are many clinical indications of Buzhong Yiqi Granules, which is suitable for patients with TCM syndromes of insufficiency of spleen and stomach and deficiency of Qi and blood. In terms of specific departments of Western medicine, its indications can be summarized as follows: Gastroenterology and Proctology Department – abdominal distension and constipation, chronic diarrhea, chronic gastritis, gastroptosis and rectocele; Obstetrics and Gynecology Department – post-partum or post-abortion qi deficiency and weakness, menorrhagia (collapse), urinary incontinence, urinary retention and uterine prolapse; and other departments – qi deficiency and fatigue caused by aging and chronic diseases after surgeries or tumor radiotherapies and chemotherapies, infantile enuresis, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, impotence and premature ejaculation, asthenospermia and sperm deficiency.

Q2. What is the mechanism of action (TCM) of Jilingshen?

Jilingshen is composed of radix astragali preparata, radix codonopsis, radix glycyrrhizae, rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae, angelica sinensis, tangerine peel, rhizoma cimicifugae and Chinese thorowax root. The product has the effects of invigorating spleen and stomach, replenishing qi and ascending up spleen-qi. It is mainly used to treat spleen and stomach deficiency, middle qi collapse, fatigue and weakness, reduced appetite, abdominal distension and prolonged diarrhea. Among the ingredients, radix astragali preparata is the monarch drug processed by raw astragalus and honey, and has superior qi-nourishing effects because honey is capable of nourishing Yin, moisturizing lungs and removing the dryness of raw astragalus. Radix codonopsis, radix glycyrrhizae and rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae are minister drugs. Both the monarch drug and the minister drugs are qi-invigorating drugs, but they have their own characteristics. Astragalus can not only replenish the spleen-qi, but also nourishing lungs for consolidating superficies. Astragalus is beneficial to invigorating qi for lifting yang and activating defensive-qi for consolidating superfices, so that it is considered the first drug for replenishing qi and lifting yang. However, astragalus is gentle in nature, works slowly and needs to be administered for a long time to be shown effective whereas it can also nourish the heart and lungs, replenish essence and energy, and enhance muscles and bones in addition to the effect of replenishing qi. In addition, compared with radix codonopsis, astragalus can also alleviate water retention, but it does not have the effect of engendering fluids and replenishing blood; radix codonopsis can only invigorate the spleen-qi, and cannot consolidate superfices. Radix codonopsis works quickly for replenishing qi. Radix codonopsis cannot alleviate water retention, but it has the effects of supplementing qi, promoting the production of body fluids and replenishing blood. Although radix codonopsis can also invigorate the qi of spleens and lungs, it is inferior to rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae in eliminating dampness. The latter, known as the “first drug for invigorating qi and strengthening the spleen”, is used specifically to replenish spleen-qi and has the effects of enhancing the spleen and eliminating dampness. Radix glycyrrhizae also features the effect of invigorating the spleen and qi, but it acts mildly and should be used as an assistant drug. Tangerine peel and angelica sinensis are adjuvant drugs, among which the former is a qi-regulating drug that can regulate the spleen-qi, and the latter is a blood-replenishing drug that is sweet in taste and warm in nature. Angelica sinensis is beneficial to supplementing blood without blocking blood flow, and is a powerful medicine for replenishing blood, as well as a potent drug for promoting blood circulation and qi. It can be combined with qi-invigorating drugs for better qi and blood-replenishing effect. Rhizoma cimicifugae and Chinese thorowax root are diaphoretic drugs and act as envoy drugs in this prescription. Rhizoma cimicifugae can lift the spleen and stomach-qi, and treat prolapse of organs caused by middle-qi deficiency and depression. Chinese thorowax root is indicated for qi-deficiency and depression, organ prolapse and metrorrhagia. Chinese thorowax root enters spleen and stomach channels to lift the qi of spleen and stomach, which is more potent than rhizoma cimicifugae. In conclusion, the prescription of Jilingshen primarily uses astragalus (that is sweet in taste and gentle in nature and has the effect of lifting qi) as the monarch drug, radix codonopsis, radix glycyrrhizae and rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae that invigorate the spleen-qi as the minister drugs, tangerine peel and angelica sinensis are adjuvant drugs, and rhizoma cimicifugae and Chinese thorowax root that replenish the middle-jiao and yang-qi as envoy drugs. Among them, rhizoma cimicifugae also has the effects of soothing the liver, relieving depression and regulating the vitality, thus lifting t

Q3. How to use Jilingshen?

Take 1 bag (3 g/bag) orally per time, and 3 times per day for 4 weeks as a course of treatment. Continue with 2-3 courses of treatment.

Q4. Is Jilingshen safe?

Originating from an ancient prescription called “Buzhong Yiqi Tang”, Buzhong Yiqi Granules has been proven to be safe after thousands of years of application. This product is manufactured completely according to the ancient prescription. It is safe and reliable as it neither contains any toxic traditional Chinese medicines nor chemical drugs.

Q5. What are the precautions of Jilingshen?

Patients with syndrome of yin deficiency and empirical fever shall not use Jilingshen. A smaller dose is recommended for a minority of patients who are prone to “get inflamed”. The product is suitable for diabetics, but not for hypertension patients with hyperactivity of liver-yang who are mostly young adults and suffer from irritability, blushing, headache and tinnitus. In addition, it can also be used for hypertension patients with qi-deficiency (with the symptoms of dizziness, shortness of breath, paleness, etc.).