Liuwei Dihuang Pian

Liuwei Dihuang Pian

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【Medicine name】Liuwei Dihuang Pian
【Ingredients】Rehmanniae Radix Praeparata、Moutan cortex、Dioscoreae Rhizoma、Dioscoreae Rhizoma、Corni Fructus、Alismatis Rhizoma、Poria.Coating powder as excipient.
【Properties】This product is a film garment, after removing the film garment brown; It's sweet and slightly sour.
【Major function】Nourishing Yin and tonifying kidney. Used for dizzy tinnitus, lumbar and knee tenderness, spermatorrhea and night sweats.
【Specification】Each piece weighs 0.31 g
【Usage & Dosage】Oral. 8 tablets at a time, 2 times a day.
【Side effects】None
【Validity period】 24 months.